Contribute to CLINIC’s Community Wellness Fund
CLINIC is dedicated to the wellness of the community in Northampton and throughout the Valley. We aim to help all who come our way, seeking better health. For us, this involves dual missions: creating a space and systems that help practitioners focus on doing their best work, and create sustainable practices that will keep them growing and maturing as seasoned wellness providers; and, clearing away obstacles that might keep our clients from reaching their best selves.
We have created a Community Wellness Fund as part of this dual mission. One of the primary obstacles to treatment for clients is cost. At the same time, practitioners must charge fees that sustain themselves and their businesses in the long run. We hope that those who are able to give more will contribute to the Fund, so that those who are in need of our help can afford it. So many of our clients tell us how life-changing the work we do here is for them. We hope to be able to extend our reach to parts of our community that may not have had the resources to access this kind of life-changing work before.
Thank you for considering contributing to our Community Wellness Fund! This fund will enable members of our community who have not had access to this care to receive it, all while ensuring that our practitioners continue to be paid fairly for their work.
You may contribute to the Community Wellness Fund:
In lieu of a ‘tip’ at checkout time;
Using our cash box in the lobby, next to the front desk;
Online using Venmo: @clinicnorthampton (please note ‘CWF’); or
If you hold a gift certificate you won’t be using, and would like to donate it to the Fund, please message us and we’ll make that transfer for you.
While none of our practitioners expect tips, some accept them. Several of our practitioners have committed to no longer accepting any tips, but will direct all ‘tip’ money to the Fund. They are:
Contributions are sadly not tax-deductible. Receipts provided upon request.
No amount is too large or too small. Every contribution helps us get closer to our goal of universal care for all in our community.